They were running steam train rides at the Museum of Science and Industry over Christmas, and we decided to take G along for a go on one. The trains were only going a short way, along the track in the old goods yard that is now the museum, through the former Liverpool Road station platform, then backing down another bit of track, before retracing the route to the start. But that was more than enough to get G very excited.
Our engine was green, and G quickly assumed this was the real-life Percy. It's Percy who, according to the song now permanently seared into my brain, always brings the mail on time in Thomas The Tank Engine.
"Look! Percy's going!" she said as the engine moved off and the steam poured out all around us, with the sort of excitement little girls usually save for fairy princesses, or One Direction. I may have to give in to Mrs J's suggestion that we start taking her to dance classes, if only to balance things out a bit.
Tootally Wired lives on
2 weeks ago
Great post. We treated my son to the Thomas experience at Kirklees Light Railway last year. We initially travelled with 'Percy' who broke down and had to be rescued by 'Thomas.' My little boy still talks about it now!
@Lyddyart Ha! Sounds like an actual Thomas episode. Wonder what the Fat Controller would say.
Years ago when my nephew was tiny we watched Thomas et al engage in many pranks including one where they bricked into a tunnel another train who had committed a misdemeanour. I think the miscreant had supported a strike or said the poor should pay less for tickets. Whilst Brendan (3 at the time) cackled with joy I was horrified. Not watched it since then. Mind you that episode was penned by MR James so I should have expected something with a edge.
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